About Choose Help UK

About Choose Help UK

"It's choice, not chance, that determines your destiny." -- Jean Nidetch

Choose Help provides information and access to quality treatment to those that need help with an addiction or mental health concern.

Here, you can identify and research problems more effectively, find fundamental solutions and receive genuine support through the crucial steps in the process.

Although recovery can be difficult, with accurate information people can make effective decisions and find themselves suitable treatment.

Access to Quality Counseling and Residential Treatment

Choose Help encourages those in need of treatment to take a courageous step towards better health.

Deciding to get help is never a decision to be taken lightly – and once the decision is made, the options can seem overwhelming. Choose Help endeavors to assist those ready for help to find quality and appropriate treatment.

To offer direct access to licensed and accredited treatment services nationwide, Choose Help partners with state-licensed and respected addiction and mental health care providers.

People in need of assistance may call our hotline staffed by treatment experts who happily answer caller questions and when warranted, suggest locally available treatment solutions. Calls are without obligation.

Our Sources of Funding

Choose Help receives advertising funding as a primary source of revenue.


Choose Help is independently owned by SCHOELCO, an international online publisher based in Berlin, Germany.


If you or a loved one needs healing then we want you to get better. To the best of our knowledge all information contained within ChooseHelp.com is accurate, unbiased and factual; but information from our web site should never substitute for professional advice and consultation. Mental health care can be very complex. We cannot be held responsible for any actions you take. Before making any medical or health care decision you should consult with a doctor or other medical professional.