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Adolescent Substance Abuse

Teen Residential Treatment – a 16-Point Safety Checklist

Considering residential rehab treatment for your teenager? First read this warning-sign checklist to spot and avoid dangerous or ineffective programs.

Why Teens Rarely Think They Need Help

Don’t wait for your son or daughter to come to their senses - teens almost never self-recognize addiction and they rarely ask for help. Learn why they can’t see the truth and why this matters ...

The 5 Reasons Teens Use Drugs or Alcohol

The 5 most common reasons why adolescents use drugs or alcohol - Until you understand the motivation behind the drug use it’s hard to respond appropriately.

15 Signs of Marijuana Use (for Parents)

Is your son or daughter smoking marijuana? Learn the signs of marijuana use and be ready to spot a problem before it gets out of hand.

Teen Marijuana Addiction Self Test

Smoke marijuana? Got 2 minutes to spare for a self test? If so, answer yes or no to 12 questions to make sure you don’t have a marijuana problem.

Teen Treatment Statistics
© Dimitris Papazimouris

Learn the alarming facts on teen drug use and addiction and learn how parents can really make a difference, as long as they're aware of the problem, educated to the solutions, and have the courage to ...

Teen Trauma-Sensitive Addiction Treatment
© Martinak15

Learn more about how trauma and substance abuse co-exist, the importance of trauma-sensitive care (and where to find it) and what parents can do on their own at home to help.

For Teens: How to Quit Marijuana on Your Own
© John Steven Fernandez

If you prepare yourself for high-risk situations and learn strategies to prevent relapse you have a great chance of being able to quit on your own – learn how to succeed here.

Teen Treatment: 6 Steps to Choosing a Level of Care
© Photoloni

Once you decide your adolescent needs addiction treatment, the next vital step is determining what level of care is required. Read on to learn more about the 6 factors professionals consider when ...

Inside (12 articles)

Don’t wait for your son or daughter to come to their senses - teens almost never self-recognize addiction and they rarely ask for help. Learn why they can’t see the truth and why this matters when picking treatment.

The 5 most common reasons why adolescents use drugs or alcohol - Until you understand the motivation behind the drug use it’s hard to respond appropriately.

High School In a Drug Treatment Rehab © Starmanseries

High school in a drug treatment program for adolescent substance abusers should offer youth the opportunity to use the time spent in addictions recovery to their academic benefit, and to continue their education as they get healthier. Because substance abuse programs for teens can be longer and more intensive than for adults, it is crucial that students do not fall behind in their studies; especially since many students enrolling in high school programs at drug treatment facilities already suffer from academic deficiencies as a result of their substance abuse.

Fast Facts on Teens in Drug or Alcohol Treatment © Dimitris Papazimouris

Learn the alarming facts on teen drug use and addiction and learn how parents can really make a difference, as long as they're aware of the problem, educated to the solutions, and have the courage to act before it becomes too late.

Teens and Cannabis. Don't Underestimate the Risks © Alexodus

Parents need to understand that today's cannabis is different. It's up to 10 times stronger than it was, and it is now addictive, can lead to psychosis and depression, and derail school performance.

A Guide to Finding Adolescent Trauma-Sensitive Addiction Treatment © Martinak15

Learn more about how trauma and substance abuse co-exist, the importance of trauma-sensitive care (and where to find it) and what parents can do on their own at home to help.

Teenage Addiction Treatment: 6 Factors to Consider When Deciding between Residential and Outpatient Care © Photoloni

Once you decide your adolescent needs addiction treatment, the next vital step is determining what level of care is required. Read on to learn more about the 6 factors professionals consider when deciding on an appropriate level of care.

The Risks of Teen Drug Use - It's About More Than Addiction © Epsos.de

With addiction and drug abuse teens are at risk for a host of peripheral social problems, including suicide, violence, mental health difficulties and poor academic performance. Get educated about the risks facing your teen, and learn what really helps if there is a problem.

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  • Adolescent Brain Development: Because teenage brain development is ongoing, adolescents are less able to resist urges to experiment and the consequences of this experimentation can be greater
  • Prevention: Adolescents that wait until they are 21 to have their first drink have almost no risk of becoming alcoholics
  • Boot Camps: Although ‘get tough’ programs can sometimes seem necessary to rein in an out of control adolescent – boot camps do not seem very able to instill lasting behavioral change